CPA Practice Exams



CPA Practice Exams

CPA Australia does not release past exam papers – so how do you get exam ready?


It is essential to test your knowledge of the CPA course content in advance of the exam. Often, you may feel comfortable with what you’ve read, but when it comes time to apply your learnings, it may not feel so easy. Throw in time pressure and exam nerves, and it is no surprise that ~50% of candidates fail each year!


CPA Australia don’t release past exam papers and provides limited practice questions to candidates. The Study Shortcut team believe it is imperative to complete as many practice questions as possible to ensure you’re confident and prepared for the exam.


Study Shortcut provides practice questions and exams to get you exam ready!


Study Shortcut has developed a large number of practice questions and practice exams for candidates. Our practice questions and exams target various levels of difficulty and model the weightings of the real CPA exams. They are designed to build confidence in advance of your exam.


The Shortcut Method practice exams include both multiple choice and extended response questions – and with our Platinum package, you can have your extended response questions marked. This will help you identify areas of improvement – and develop a structured approach to answering these types of questions. Given the extended response section can be worth up to 30% of the overall exam result, the value of strong performance in this part of the exam cannot be understated.


Knowing where to find the answer when you don’t know the answer can boost your exam result.


CPA Australia can only examine content from the textbook – so a strong working knowledge of where to find the relevant section of the book can be a key part of your success.

The Shortcut Method shows CPA candidates what is best to take into the open book exam – and how to use your materials to maximise your result. Through a strong familiarity of the Study Shortcut Summary Notes, candidates will be able to find their way to the section of the course that an unknown exam question relates. This will enable you to find an answer in the allotted time and boost your exam result.


Study Shortcut – get exam ready with us


The CPA textbook contains the examinable material for your exam. There is only so many questions that CPA Australia can ask on each topic – so practicing on questions that are similar to the final exam and receiving personalised feedback will really make a difference to your CPA journey.


Set yourself up for success in a time efficient and effective way – enrol in Study Shortcut now!